What We Are
An early childhood program for children ages birth to 5 and expectant mothers. All services provided at NO COST to families!
We offer center-based classroom settings for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers (ages 3-5) in Jamestown and Valley City. Prenatal services occur 1-1 and include education on the health & development of mom and baby.
We accept applications year round to fill enrollment vacancies.
How We Do It
0-3 (infant/toddler classrooms) available for full day/full year services
3-5 (preschool classrooms) ½ day and full day classes available during the school year
Prenatal services available for pregnant moms wanting to enroll their baby in the 0-3 center after birth
Valley City
3-5 (preschool classrooms) full day classes available during the school year
0-3 (infant/toddler classroom) available for full day/full year services
Prenatal services available for pregnant moms wanting to enroll their baby in the 0-3 center after birth

What We Do
Child Development & Education Services
- Classrooms with developmentally appropriate learning and play based activities
- Low child-staff ratios and group sizes
- Implement a research based curriculum
- Teachers/caregivers make individualized weekly lesson plans, complete child assessments and screenings, and complete parent teacher conferences throughout the year
- Our program has developed school readiness goals and tracks progress toward them
- Promote physical activity and outdoor play daily

Health & Nutrition – Ensures children are “ready to learn” by promoting:
- Well child/well baby health & dental exams
- Vision, hearing, social-emotional & developmental screenings
- Families to secure primary doctor, health insurance and preventative care
- Nutrition education & guidance to families
- Healthy breakfast, lunch & snacks are provided in our centers
- Children make and try new foods, including fresh fruits and vegetables

- 10 percent of our enrollment slots are made available to children with disabilities who learn and grow side by side with other children
- We have partnerships with Early Intervention providers, Special Education providers, and private speech, OT, and PT therapists who provide needed therapies on site or in their facilities

Family Engagement
- Parent engagement activities
- Family support to meet their needs and achieve goals
- Education on community resources and services available
- Access to web based parenting videos through Ready Rosie Parent Curriculum
- Family fun activities to support school readiness skills

Policy Council
The policy council is a governing body that shares responsibility for overseeing the delivery of high quality services to children and families in accordance with the Head Start Performance Standards.
- At least 51% of the Policy Council must be made up of parents of currently enrolled children
- Work with Head Start director to carry out program planning
- Opportunity for parents to learn leadership skills
- Discuss/approve grant funding applications
- Approve program policies
- Approve staff before hiring
- Review monthly budget reports
- Review monthly program data
- Elections held each fall